Premium Content for Every Niche
Ready to grow your business? Our premium content will be your stepping stone.
You can make your order directly on our homepage or simply visit our Shop section. Then, follow these steps:
Once we verified your payment, we will contact you about further details on our project.
After we verified your payment, we will discuss further details about your project, including project timeframe. Usually, we will deliver your project within just hours after every detail is agreed upon.
Usually, we will deliver your project result to your email address, registered in your account. However, if you require, we may also send it through another channel. If you want to do so, please provide us with the details beforehand.
Depending on your project, we offer a chance to request for revision several times. Upon receiving your project from us, kindly check for the result and provide us with your feedback. We may refuse to provide revision if both you and us have agreed that the project is complete or the project has been marked as completed.
As of now, we support payment only through PayPal and manual bank transfer. More payment methods are coming soon 🙂
Your payment will be verified automatically by third-party service provider that helps us to facilitate the payment. If your payment hasn’t been verified after 30 minutes, please let us know.
When possible, you can use any of your available coupon code before making the transaction.
Of course! We also receive manual payment. However, before making the transaction, please let us know beforehand, so we can provide the full instructions to you.
You may request for a refund over your project if you believe that we have failed to fulfill your request. However, we will ask you to provide solid grounds to support that claim. Upon receiving your evidence, it may take up to 3 business days for us to check them and provide our answer.
Congratulations! Once we have agreed for a refund, we will transfer the payment to your bank account. We may require you to provide us with your banking details for this purpose.
We are sorry to hear that. However, if we believe that we have not found any solid evidence to support your claim, we will mark our project as completed. Therefore no refund will be made to your account.
At this moment, we will only proceed your refund request to your bank account. Other methods may be added in the futre when possible.